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  近年来,出版学术专著4部、教材10多部,发表学术论文100多篇,其中被SCI、EI 收录40 多篇。在项目研究方面,承担国家自然基金面上项目1项,主研国家自然基金面上项目5项,主持北京市科委重大办项目2项,主持和参研企业横向项目40多项,承担校级教改项目1项。




  [1] 主持国家自然科学基金项目(项目号:71771085):“非并网清洁能源发电-储能-用能价值链耦合协同机制与优化模拟模型研究”,2018.1-2021.12.

  [2] 主持北京市科委项目:“重大办—2013年度油气板块工作支撑”,2013.12-2014.6.

  [3] 主持北京市科委项目:“重大办—2012年度油气板块工作支撑”,2012.12-2013.6.

  [4] 主持南方电网广东电力公司项目:“广州路灯所智慧路灯发展规划研究”,2017.12-2018.5.

  [5] 主持内蒙古电力(集团)公司项目:“混合所有制改革及其国有资本投资运营模式研究”,2016.10-2017.8.

  [6] 主持浙江电力实业总公司项目:“配电网领域业务及运营模式技术支持服务”,2016.9-2017.3.

  [7] 主持内蒙古东部电力有限公司项目:“蒙东审计调考竞赛审前培训类题库建设及开发研究”,2016.10-2017.9.

  [8] 主持浙江联邮通信工程有限公司项目:“企业投资私有云平台租赁可行性研究”,2016.5-2016.10.

  [9] 主持中国华能集团公司项目:“B2B电子商务提升华能集团物资管理水平的发展方向研究”,2015.6-2016.5.






  [1] 电力供应链联盟协同决策研究, 中国水利水电出版社,2014.

  [2] 基于商务智能的动态联盟管理, 中国水利水电出版社,2008.

  [3] 财会信息的计算机管理与分析, 中国经济科学出版社,2003.

  [4] 财会信息系统开发与应用,中国计划出版社,1999.

  [5] 电子商务,电子工业出版社,2018.

  [6] 企业电子商务, 中国水利水电出版社,2011.

  [7] 企业电子商务, 经济科学出版社,2004.

  [8] Profit Allocation of Hybrid Power System Planning in Energy Internet: A Cooperative Game Study. Sustainability,2018,2(2): 388-407

  [9] Site selection of photovoltaic power plants in a value chain based on grey cumulative prospect theory for sustainability: A case study in Northwest China. Journal of Cleaner Production,2017,4(148):386-397

  [10] A VIKOR-based approach for assessing the service performance of electric vehicle sharing programs: A case study in Beijing. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2017,4(148):254-267

  [11] Multi-Objective decision model for system environment based on rough set theory. Boletin Tecnico/Technical Bulletin,      2017,55(3):188-196

  [12] Synergic scheduling optimization and effectiveness evaluation model for multi-types generation resources considering emission constraints. Boletin Tecnico/Technical Bulletin,  2017,55(3):32-40

  [13] Research on Power Quality Evaluation of Wind Farm Based on Fuzzy Neural Network. International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering,    2017,12(4):109-116

  [14] Power quality evaluation with set pair analysis model based on entropy weight. ICIC Express Letters, 2016,10(1):83-88

  [15] Analysis and evaluation model on the power quality of wind farm. ICIC Express Letters,Part B: Applications    , 2015,6(1):53-59

  [16] Present situation, problems and solutions of China's biomass power generation industry.       Energy Policy,2014,(5):144-151

  [17] Optimal Models for Electricity Supply Chain Coordination under Uncertain Environment.   ICIC Express Letters, 2013,(11):3139-3144

  [18] Study on environmental impact model of grid-connected wind power generation. International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management,   2013,(11):373-383

  [19] Risk Management Model of a Micro-Grid Wind Farm. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal, 2013,(9):1404-1417

  [20]Research on the reliability analysis and evaluation models of grid-connected wind farms.     ICIC Express Letter, 2013,(4):1116-1121

  [21] Multi-objective coordination optimal model for new power intelligence center based on hybrid algorithm.      J. Cent. South Univ. Technol,     2009,16(4):683-689

  [22] A novel recurrent neural network forecasting model for power intelligence center. J. Cent. South Univ. Technol      2008,15(5):726-732

  [23] A hybrid particle swarm optimization approach with neural network and set pair analysis for transmission network planning.    J. Cent. South Univ. Technol,  2008,15(S2):321-326

  [24] 适应能源互联网需求的风力发电数据集成研究.电网技术,2017,4(3):978-984

  [25] 基于解释结构模型的风电产业价值驱动因素分析.科技管理研究,2018,(4):218-225